Sunday, February 16, 2014

No matter what kind of speaking you do or what your topics are, you need to belong to a strong professional organization. The fact is our speaking businesses are not islands unto themselves. Rather they are affected by the interdependent activities of other professional speakers. Here are three good examples of those interdependent activities and how they can directly benefit you. 1. Further develop your speaking and business skills. ...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Introduction The international real estate market has over the last three years - seen a surge in buyers from China as well as other asian markets like Taiwan. Culturally similar in terms of investment approach, Taiwanese and Chinese buyers seek safe places to invest their money as well as provide homes for their immediate families that immigrate to pursue tertiary education. Drivers The Chinese international market is driven by two...

Friday, December 13, 2013

Have you ever wanted to be able to call yourself bilingual? Do you want to add something new and fresh to your resume? There is no better way to do this than by learning how to speak Spanish. When you decide to learn Spanish you'll be doing yourself a favor by joining the millions of people who already do. Many of these people are speaking it as their first language and some use it as a second language. So why should you increase your Spanish...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

If you have a fear of speaking up, you're not alone. Studies show that 85% of people are more afraid of speaking in public than they are of death. Wow! That's a huge fear. So you're a fairly typical person if the thought of speaking makes you anxious. However, the consequences for you if you're not speaking up are NOT typical. You're a business owner. So you need to be heard. It's critical that you get the word out calmly and clearly...

Friday, August 17, 2012

With the continued proliferation of the Internet, the meaning of the word "marketing" also seems to proliferate. Cyberspace has opened up a whole arena of new marketing technologies, techniques, and twists. Amidst the online exuberance, it seems each online marketer or salesperson changes the definition of marketing to suit his or her preference.Many times, ill-conceived notions and perceptions reduce the meaning of the word "marketing" to a shadow...
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